Pondering 2012
After watching President Obama and the Democratic party water down healthcare reform with the help of AHIP and seeing them get insurance corporations some serious corporate welfare, water down FineReg...
View ArticleA US NHS universal medical system could become America's largest employer
Originally posted 2011-02-11 12:29:30 -0500. Bumped and promoted. - GH(Written by an American expat living in the European Union) There are 59 million Americans who don't have medical insurance. There...
View ArticleA Message to Joe Biden
I received an email from the Barack Obama campaign this morning - specifically addressed as if it was from Vice President Joe Biden - asking if I'd be willing to send in $5 for a chance at a drawing to...
View ArticleMichael Collins: Questions for The Money Party - Negative Job Growth for 11...
The Money Party is a very small group of enterprises and individuals who control almost all of the money and power in the United States. They use their money and power to make more money and gain more...
View ArticleThe campaign script that has written itself...
But will will those Dems notice? From Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly's Political Animal:THE KIND OF VOTE TO BUILD AN ELECTION AROUND Note that House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence...
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